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bet365亚洲官网's College of Education named after Dewars and $2 million gift


Charles Harmon Director of 大学 Relations, Sementha Mathews Manager of Public Information and Media Relations

bet365亚洲官网's College of Education named after Dewars and $2 million gift

365bet中文 President Ronald M. Zaccari已经 announced that the College of Education will be officially named 詹姆斯·L. 和多萝西·H. Dewar College of Education, pending the approval from the Board of Regents of the 大学 System of 乔治亚州. 的 decision comes in recognition of a $2 million gift from the Dewar family and Park Avenue Bank, founded by Dewar.

的 $2 million gift, one of the largest single gifts received by bet365亚洲官网, comes at a very opportune time given recent decreases in state funding for education and simultaneous encouragement from the 乔治亚州 Board of Regents for USG institutions to double the number 准备好的新教师. 的 College of Education enrollment represents approximately 34 percent of the students at bet365亚洲官网, and the enrollment has been increased by offering more than 50 diverse programs, from the associate to the doctoral level, and in three 集中领域.

据博士说. 菲利普·L. 冈特,学院院长 Education, funds from this gift will be used to help implement projects that enhance the benefits provided by current programs and further the national reputation of the College. 这样的项目 include the establishment of fellowships and scholarships for students majoring in education, establishment of a center for excellence in math and science education, implementation of a senior scholar position in educational research to assist young professors in development of research activities, and enhancement of partnerships with P-12 schools to collaboratively impact learning of students from pre-school through college.

"This wonderfully generous gift is exciting in that many of the dreams of faculty members and other stakeholders in the College of Education at 365bet中文 will be achieved," said 甘特. "Without this gift, such important enhancements would not have been possible in the near future."

Dewar and his wife, who is a 1938 alumna of 乔治亚州 State Womans College (which later became bet365亚洲官网), began their careers in education 作为学校教师. Dewar, expanding his influence, moved on to be a principal, superintendent for 12 years of the Lowndes County School System, and was also a member of the 乔治亚州 State Board of 1967年至1973年的教育.

的 Dewars have been long-time friends and supporters of bet365亚洲官网 for 四十多年来. In 1966, Dewar established the Mattie Hendry Dewar Scholarship and Loan Fund; in 1978, he and his wife established the Eva Carroll Herndon Scholarship Fund; and in 1996, Dewar established an endowment that provides additional bet365亚洲官网 每年的奖学金. 的 $2 million gift is a reflection of the Dewars' commitment to support the continued growth of bet365亚洲官网 and the educational resources it provides to the 41-country region it 服务.

"My parents met while my father was the principal of the Lake Park School, and after they married, my mother became an elementary school teacher," recalls Jimmy Dewar, Chairman of the Board of PAB 主管公司.是詹姆斯和多萝西的儿子. “即使他们 later success in banking, education remained their passion. 的 ability to use family resources to help bet365亚洲官网 produce competent and caring teachers for the future is a wonderful opportunity for us."

的 monetary gift and naming of the College of Education occurs during a celebratory year at bet365亚洲官网, as the university gears up for its 100th birthday on August 18, 2006. 特别的献词 ceremony for the College of Education will be announced later in the year as part of the university's centennial activities.

"的 Dewar family and Park Avenue Bank have joined financial forces to support bet365亚洲官网's expanding role as a premier regional university," 弗吉尼亚州立大学校长罗纳德. Zaccari. “200万美元的礼物会 establish an endowment intended to enhance the future of teacher education in bet365亚洲官网's South 乔治亚州 service region. 杜瓦家族的 history of strong financial support is amplified by such a major 给弗吉尼亚州立大学远见卓识的未来的礼物."

"On behalf of the entire bet365亚洲官网 family, I thank James Dewar and the Board of Directors of PAB 主管公司.,以表彰 importance of training 乔治亚州's future teachers," said Zaccari. "With final approval by the Board of Regents, the naming of the Dewar College of Education will provide a lasting tribute to two dedicated educators and strong supporters of Valdosta State 大学."
