

bet365亚洲官网 Supports 社区-Led Change with Rural Development Institute

近30经济发展, 城市, 县, 以及查尔顿县的社区领袖, 咖啡县, 早期的县, 詹金斯县, 李县, and Washington County were selected to participate in 365bet中文's 2024 Rural Development Institute.

vsu33650rdi _1.jpg达雷尔·摩尔(左), director of 365bet中文's Center for South Georgia Regional Impact, says rural communities and their citizens are integral to Georgia's economy, 文化, 和未来的. This is his third year facilitating bet365亚洲官网's Rural Development Institute and helping communities across Georgia develop an action plan for rural prosperity.

VALDOSTA — 365bet中文’s Center for South Georgia Regional Impact recently kicked off its third annual Rural Development Institute (RDI) with a three-day Summit designed to help communities across Georgia develop an action plan for rural prosperity.

近30经济发展, 城市, 县, 以及查尔顿县的社区领袖, 咖啡县, 早期的县, 詹金斯县, 李县, and Washington County were selected to participate in bet365亚洲官网’s 2024 RDI.

“Rural communities and their citizens are integral to Georgia’s economy, 文化, 和未来的,达雷尔·摩尔说, 弗吉尼亚州立大学南乔治亚地区影响研究中心主任. “通过RDI, bet365亚洲官网 is 工作ing to build capa城市 that encourages the growth and development of rural communities without sacrificing their distinctive rural character.”

在参加首脑会议之前, teams representing each of the participating communities were tasked with using a readiness index to conduct a self-assessment of their recruitment, 教育, 基础设施, 领导, 人口统计资料, 和生活质量.

峰会期间, the teams analyzed the results of their self-assessment and 工作ed with mentors to identify their unique opportunities and challenges, 与专家和其他可用资源联系, 建立一个支持网络, 制定经济活力路线图.  

Moore said the RDI Summit offered a program that emphasized experiential learning with a heavy dose of discussion, 辩论, 和团队合作.

亮点包括内容专家, 专业开发人员, and consultants delivering interactive and engaging sessions on the elected official’s role in economic development, 当前经济环境和未来预测, building the future 工作force through pathways and partnerships, 人工智能的影响, 市区重建策略, 零售业是经济增长的催化剂, 旅游创造财富的机会, 和更多的.

After each session the teams “工作ed with a mentor to reflect on what they had just learned and then talk about how they could take some of those ideas back and implement them in their community,摩尔说.

Summit mentors represented various organizations — Electric Cities of Georgia, 乔治亚州经济发展部, 乔治亚州县专员协会, 一个Valdosta-Lowndes, 佐治亚电力公司, 霍奇咨询服务, 以及乔治亚市政协会.

通过培养一个充满激情和能力的领导者的网络, RDI创造了一个支持性的生态系统,让创意可以蓬勃发展, 伙伴关系可以形成, 而且可以调动资源,斯科特·伯塔说, RDI mentor and industrial development manager for Electric Cities of Georgia LLC. “This collaborative spirit is essential for long-term success and resilience in rural development efforts.

“I am incredibly excited about the future of the group I 工作ed with this year from Charlton County. Their enthusiasm, dedication, and creativity were truly inspiring. They have embraced the insights gained from RDI with open minds and hearts and are already translating these into actionable plans that promise to make a tangible difference in our community.”

Featured Summit speakers came from the University of Louisiana at Lafayette, 乔治亚州经济发展部; the Georgia Department of 社区 Affairs; the Georgia Municipal Association; 乔治亚州县专员协会; University of Washington iSchool; West AlabamaWorks of Tuscaloosa, Alabama; the Downtown Development Authority of Bainbridge; Retail Stategies; 霍奇咨询服务 LLC; the Office of Governor Brian P. Kemp; and the Wetumpka, Alabama, Chamber of Commerce.

Each team left the Summit with a prioritized list of projects and initiatives designed to build a better future for the people who live, 工作, 玩, 并访问他们的社区. 通过bet365亚洲官网的体验式学习计划, 区域影响中心将使用大学教员, 工作人员, and students to help each community implement at least one of their projects in the coming months.

“Our 领导 wants to create an environment that provides opportunities to retain and attract younger generations to 早期的县,苏珊娜·雷诺兹说, 早期县发展局局长. “One of the projects we plan to focus on within the next year is a Downtown Youth Advisory Program, which will involve 早期的县 juniors and seniors in the Downtown Blakely revitalization process. 来成功创建程序, 需要制定明确的目标, along with engaging students through partnerships with the 早期的县 School System and Southwest Georgia Academy. Students will learn about community development while 玩ing an active role in creating a thriving future downtown.”

基于参与者的反馈和评论, 主持人, 和导师, bet365亚洲官网’s Rural Development Institute Summit continues to be a tremendous success.

“RDI是我参加过的最好的项目之一,布兰迪·安德伍德说, executive director of the 詹金斯县 Chamber of Commerce and 詹金斯县 Development Authority. “这给了我很大的启发, offering fresh perspectives and innovative ideas for helping our community grow and develop in the years ahead. I am leaving with a renewed sense of purpose and a toolbox full of strategies to drive positive change and foster sustainable development in our community.”

bet365亚洲官网’s Rural Development Institute is an opportunity for the university to continue supporting the 工作 of the Governor’s Rural Strike Team and provide a positive impact on Georgia’s rural communities.
